The practise is driven by a consistent philosophical approach, not a pre-determined house style. As a result we aim to create specifically detailed buildings that are intimately connected to content and function. The work of Photiou Architects is based upon a solid foundation of design excellence, budget and program control and project management. We believe that high quality design results from the continuity of the design process and intensive dialogue. Dialogue with the client, consultants, contractors and users.
We work closely together to ensure the best results we achieved through a synthesis of concept, beauty and functional integration.
Our buildings are characterized by an apparent simplicity that disguises the complexities of a challenging brief, historic fabric or urban constraints. We relish the challenge of these project and the process of finding a solution that exceeds clients expectation and provides an efficient and legible solution.
It is finally becoming acknowledged that construction and planning must play a key role in minimizing the environmental impact and establishing more sustainable methods of living. We are strongly committed to a universal approach to the environmental performance of a building recognizing the value of on integrated and responsible approach that considers the massing, orientation and environmental strategies of the building from the outset.
We understand the value of space and consider every space metre to be precious. Each project is carefully tested and ensure that a design is both generous and economic in the correct places. A solution is tailored to a detailed understanding of requirements but with sufficient flexibility to address future needs and changes.
At the heart of the practice’s organisation are the design teams, which are formed to take a new project from inception to completion which are led by Photios Photiou. The developing schemes are subject to regular design reviews within the office to ensure that quality is maintained and to take advantage of cross fertilization between projects. Design teams collaborate on each project with leading engineers, cost control consultants and other specialists. We believe the best building come from close co-operation between client and their advisers.
We have developed a series of strategies in relation to sustainability energy efficient design and the inventive use of traditional materials. The location and function of a building, it’s flexibility and life span, it’s orientation form and structure, it’s heating and ventilation systems and the materials used, together impact upon the amount of energy required to build and maintain it and travel to and from it. Our practice strives to minimize our own impact on the environment by making sustainability a fundamental part of the way we operate and approach the design process and delivery of our projects.